CFC Intentional Impact Panel: Internal Shifts for External Outcomes

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Take your impact campaign to the next level. We hope that our conscious films generate empathy, gratitude, and feelings of oneness with humanity and nature. Are there ways to measure these responses and actions we take as a result? How can that information help create an effective impact campaign for your film? Identify evaluation techniques that will both attract funders and enhance your film's potential to ignite positive change.


Adrienne Becker, CEO and Co-Founder of Level Forward

Meredith Blake, Founder/CEO of ProSocial

Sophie Janicke-Bowles, Professor of Positive Media Psychology at Chapman University

Christina Lindstrom, Managing Director, See Change Institute

Moderator: Kate McCallum, Producer; Founder, and Executive Director of c3: Center for Conscious Creativity

Co-presented by the SIE Society

The Social Impact Entertainment (SIE) Society is the central hub for Social Impact Entertainment, CSR, and SBCC companies, organizations, institutions, and professionals. Their mission is to bring together the Social Impact Entertainment community across all media platforms in order to amplify voices, expand resources and opportunities, and involve the next generation of storytellers. They educate, connect, and equip members and newcomers on what is SIE to begin with, how to implement it on your own projects, and how to find allies along the way while fostering diversity, inclusion, and change both in front of and behind the camera.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    55 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States