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Incite Happiness, a film narrated by the spiritually acclaimed author and teacher, Lama Marut, was produced to help people create true happiness in the context of today’s world. Incite Happiness speaks to consumerism today, seeking refuge in religion, and the rise of depression over the last two decades, helping the viewer understand the real causes of their suffering. The information imparted applies to everyday people – whether they’ve made a commitment to a spiritual tradition or not – who want to live useful, good, happy, purposeful lives. It encourages viewers to think differently, and become empowered to change their lives for the happier. "You don't have to believe in anything, no super natural nothings. A spiritual life is about living happily in the present, and the only person preventing you from doing that is you."

  • Year
  • Runtime
    54 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Mark Melchiorre
  • Screenwriter
    Mark Melchiorre
  • Producer
    David Simmons
  • Cast
    Lama Marut