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Can you really fake it until you make it?

You Are What You Act proposes a potential revolutionary new health trend by asking what influences us more, our minds or our bodies. What has a greater effect, thinking positive or acting positive? Will smiling make you happier? Will changing your posture make you more confident? Will acting in love save your relationship?

  • Year
  • Runtime
    78 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States, Canada
  • Director
    Albert Nerenberg
  • Screenwriter
    Albert Nerenberg
  • Producer
    Frederic Bohbot
  • Cast
    Gabor Maté, George Lakeoff, Paul Ekman, Philip Zimbardo & Amy Cuddy
  • Cinematographer
    Alex Chabot, Daniel Lynn, Kieran Crilly, Bill Stone
  • Editor
    Joseph Bohbot
  • Composer
    Paul Baraka