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The Man Who Built Peace captures the life and legacy of a man you may have never heard of, who changed the world. This film tells the story of Frank Buchman, a Pennsylvanian Lutheran Minister [1878-1961] who had an experience of inner transformation that led him to seek forgiveness from others. Following his experience of personal suffering and transformation, Frank Buchman was set to pass that on to the world and helped shape the course of history. Watch Frank Buchman help unite the bitterest enemies of World War II and discover how to apply this yourself in today’s politically charged climate.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    60 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States, United Kingdom
  • Director
    Imad Karam
  • Producer
    Imad Karam, Kelly Burks
  • Cinematographer
    John Parker-Rees
  • Editor
    Mark Ubsdell