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A personal, scientific, mystical exploration of Amazonian curanderismo, focus on Ayahuasca and Master Plants, their healing and visionary properties and risks, along with the Shipibo people and their songs.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    72 minutes
  • Language
    English, Spanish
  • Country
    United States, Peru, Canada, Italy, Costa Rica
  • Director
    Luis Robledo, Vanni Mangoni
  • Screenwriter
    Luis Robledo, Vanni Mangoni
  • Producer
    Alexandra Compuesto
  • Executive Producer
    Luis Robledo
  • Cast
    Estela Pangoza, Ricardo Amaringo, Dennis McKenna, Chris Kilham, Dr. Joe Tafur, Forster Gamble, Kimberly-Carter Gamble, Cvita Mamic, Sitaramaya Sita, Alexandre Tannous, Benoit Allouche, Martina Drassl, Alexandra Compuesto, Luis Robledo, Vanni Mangoni, Geofrey Rhue, Sam Ko, Dr. Charles Grob, Anastasia Onegina, Peter Francis Hall, Teresa Robledo, Tony Moss
  • Cinematographer
    Eduardo Servello, A.M.C., Luis Robledo
  • Composer
    Luis Robledo