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Stream began December 4, 2020 10:00 PM UTC
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C$0After unlocking, the December 4th at 10:00 pm UTC livestream can be viewed at any time. Need help?
Rejoignez-nous pour un Q+R avec Antoine Damiens, auteur du livre LGBTQ FILM FESTIVALS, Curating Queerness
Join us for a Q+A with Antoine Damiens, author of the book LGBTQ FILM FESTIVALS, Curating Queerness
1 livestream in package
C$0After unlocking, the December 4th at 10:00 pm UTC livestream can be viewed at any time. Need help?
Rejoignez-nous pour un Q+R avec Antoine Damiens, auteur du livre LGBTQ FILM FESTIVALS, Curating Queerness
Join us for a Q+A with Antoine Damiens, author of the book LGBTQ FILM FESTIVALS, Curating Queerness