Expired October 30, 2020 4:59 AM
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10 films in package
I Love My Upstairs Neighbor
After overhearing her upstairs neighbor screaming at her husband, Chelsea spirals into obsession as she attempts to figure out what went down, hopeful for a romantic outcome in her own favor.
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The Feeling
Brandi and Alex are sibling realtors at the top of their game... until they meet their biggest fan.
Unfinished Business
A male stripper has an unusual experience on the job.
When a beautiful, but troubled woman is terrorized by a ghost from her secret past, she is determined to silence it for good…even if it means someone has to die.
After surviving assault a 17 year old Mexican girl finds retribution through her untapped female power and local witch culture.
Ils salivent (They salivate)
"They salivate" is the story of a kiss. A couple kiss each other in their deserted living room. The party begins and one guest drinks the couple's last kiss.
What's in the Woods?
After a move from the city to their new country home, Lauren and Jerry unwind with their closest friend Meg in the dimly lit cabin. The calm only lasts so long, as Meg finds an ashen little boy in the yard, shivering and alone... or so they think.
The Three Men You Meet at Night
A young woman walking home alone encounters three different types of men. Whom can she trust?
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A murderous spirit metes out vengeance on those it believes responsible for it’s death by luring their children away
After Dark Shorts Q&A
A conversation with the directors. Moderated by Macon Wilson (Director of Marketing, Indie Memphis).
This virtual screening is eligible for audience awards! The voting period has closed. Stay tuned for the results!

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***Don’t forget to vote! Learn how to cast your ballot HERE!

Audience Award Sponsor: Orion

After overhearing her upstairs neighbor screaming at her husband, Chelsea spirals into obsession as she attempts to figure out what went down, hopeful for a romantic outcome in her own favor.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Jamie Rice, Nicole Machon
  • Screenwriter
    Jamie Rice, Nicole Machon
  • Producer
    Jamie Rice, Nicole Machon, Paula Andrea Gonzalez-Nasser, Laura Conte
  • Cast
    Chelsea Holmes, Megan Stalter, Scotty Nelson