Indy Shorts Film Festival

Facing the Falls with Audio Description (Free Admission)

Expired July 29, 2024 3:59 AM
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This virtual screening is eligible for Indy Shorts Audience Choice Awards voting! 5=excellent, 1=not for me The voting period has closed. Winners will be announced on Monday, July 24!

International disability advocate Cara Elizabeth Yar Khan, deep in the throes of an aggressive, fatal muscle-wasting disease and no longer able to walk unassisted, embarks on a 12-day expedition through the Grand Canyon. "Facing the Falls" is a story of fear, adrenaline, ambition, determination, hubris, courage, and perseverance against the odds.

This film is accompanied by audio description, a form of narration used to provide information surrounding key visual elements in a media work for the benefit of blind and visually impaired consumers.

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Dial Tone Films

  • Year
  • Runtime
    35 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Genre
    Documentary Short
  • Sponsor
    Frightening/Disturbing Images, Mature Themes
  • Director
    Celia Aniskovich
  • Producer
    Celia Aniskovich, Liz Yale Marsh, Cara Yar Khan
  • Executive Producer
    Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Sam Pollard, Brenda Robinson, Julie Girardin-Boynton, Terry Boynton, Isaiah Boynton, Brianna Boynton, Amy Flanagan, Siobhan Sinnerton
  • Cast
    Cara Yar Khan
  • Editor
    Josh Brennan