Japan Film Festival Los Angeles 2024

Higashi Elementary   東小学校

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Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture is renowned as the setting of Japan’s founding mythology. A real-life school there, Higashi Elementary was forced to close due to the declining birthrate. Nakao, an alumnus of the school and film director living in Tokyo, had lost a lot work, and been served with divorce papers from his wife in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Then, Ms. Ohashi, a community center employee from his hometown, approached him about making a film to memorialize Higashi Elementary. At a loss for any ideas, Nakao is led by a young staff member for the movie, Hanada, who takes it upon herself to interview the children set to appear in it. Her dedication, along with the children’s memories and dreams spark a change in Nakao to finally begin filming the movie Higashi Elementary.


コロナ禍の煽りを受け、仕事も家庭も失いつつある、映画監督の中尾(亀尾佳宏)。そんなころ、島根県出雲市にある「東小学校」が少子化の影響により廃校になった。 東小学校の卒業生である中尾は、地元東地区の公民館職員・大橋(石橋磨季)から、「東小学校の想い出を映画に」と映画の撮影を依頼される。気が乗らないまま渋々出雲へ帰った中尾は、廃校となった母校を見て回るが、映画のアイデアは全く浮かんでいなかった。


脚本・監督・編集 堀内博志

亀尾佳宏 板花とーや 石橋磨季 石倉慎吾 真咲 郁 沖山マコト Aiko 平田雄也

  • Year
  • Runtime
    111 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Hiroshi Horiuchi
  • Screenwriter
    Hiroshi Horiuchi
  • Producer
    Hiroshi Horiuchi
  • Cast
    Yoshihiro Kameo, Tohya Itahana, Maki Ishibashi