Expired October 17, 2022 6:59 AM
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Super Scar is an animated short based on a true story, about a new mom's unexpected struggle to stay sane amidst the madness of the NICU. In telling her story to a mommy-and-me support group, she learns through humor to be grateful for all the goodness in her life, especially her Super Scar, which ultimately symbolizes her newfound warrior spirit.

  • Year
    06/25/2021 00:00
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Lauren Aboulafia
  • Screenwriter
    Lauren Aboulafia
  • Producer
    Lauren Aboulafia, Kimleigh Smith, Seth Grossman
  • Filmmaker
    Lauren Aboulafia
  • Cast
    Lauren Aboulafia, Kimleigh Smith, Marlene Forte, Aubyn Philabaum