Local Sightings Film Festival 2021

Native Wisdom: The Peoples of Eastern Oregon + Our Changing Worlds

Expired September 27, 2021 6:59 AM
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To accommodate evolving public health recommendations regarding COVID-19, we are adopting a hybrid virtual-and-in-person festival model for 2021. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes are available here.

⚠️ Please note: For the sake of public safety, NWFF will require both face-coverings and proof of vaccination from in-person audiences. We reserve the option to shift the festival to virtual-only on short notice.

An innovative investigative documentary exploring how urban and rural Indigenous communities are coping and adapting during this time of global challenge and change associated with COVID-19.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    9 minutes
  • Language
    English, with no subtitles or captions
  • Country
  • Premiere
    Seattle Premiere
  • Director
    Steven Thomas Davies