Expired September 25, 2023 6:59 AM
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What is a Western? In these modern riffs on the genre, film subjects (real and fictional) journey across rugged landscapes (literally and metaphorically). Whether they’re hunting while pregnant or running 100 miles, each searches for freedom and agency in the modern West. (55 min TRT)

Watch this program in person at NWFF, Sep. 20 at 7pm. VIRTUAL, IN-PERSON, and HYBRID (virtual AND in-person) Festival Passes and Individual Tickets are available!

⚠️ Please note: NWFF patrons will be required to wear masks that cover both nose and mouth while in the building. Disposable masks are available at the door for those who need them. We are not currently checking vaccination cards. Read full Covid policies here.

Artemis follows Jacqueline through her third trimester of pregnancy as she hunts through the wilds of Montana. Her pregnancy story takes a turn, keeping the audience on the edge of their seat, with a collective sigh of relief when "we got the baby."

  • Year
  • Runtime
    20 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    Northwest Premiere
  • Director
    Paige Williams, Elizabeth Stegmaier