Expired July 31, 2023 9:45 AM
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Kanaani tells the story of two love birds Obehi and Gbovo who plan to leave Nigeria and travel to the United States also known as the Promise Land (Kanaani) for greener pastures. When the opportunity is presented and only one person could go,Gbovo sacrifices and allows Obehi to go instead, promising to join her shortly. Reluctantly she embarks on the journey only to be sold into prostitution.Without any means of communication. Gbovo Fears the worst and dares to travel to “Kanaani '' via Libya. He in turn is sold into slavery. The film highlights the sufferings of two lovers apart,the often unspoken and unseen aspects of human trafficking and how

determination, commitment and dedication can change almost any situation.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    110 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Filmmaker
    Tola Olatunji