Expired January 26, 2022 4:45 AM
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This film is eligible for the 2025 Miami Jewish Film Festival Audience Award! Watch the film and then cast your vote here.
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Shoah Ambassadors bridges the chasm between the generation who endured the nightmare of World War II and today’s bright-eyed, tech-savvy youths, who may only have a limited grasp of what their elders suffered. In this film directed by Emmy Award-winning director Keith Famie, five Holocaust survivors are given an opportunity to share their personal histories with two young adults. These two young ambassadors, utilizing their own creative expression, then became the caretakers of this history. The timely project captured in this film ultimately serves as a bridge for these survivors to pass the torch of remembrance to a new generation, so that their stories may never be forgotten.


The Miami Jewish Film Festival virtual program is made possible with the generous support of Benjamin Nahum and Tamar Roodner.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    57 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Keith Famie
  • Screenwriter
    Keith Famie, Sara Hall
  • Cast
    Hailey Callahan, Curtis Bates, Fred Lessing, Edith Maniker
  • Cinematographer
    Brendan Martin, Hunter Mitchell, Kevin Hewitt
  • Editor
    Brendan Martin, J.R. Grant