**Disclaimer: This is a recording from 1965, users may have issues with quality and sound**
This film of rare footage features the actual debate between two giant intellectuals of the 20th century. In 1965, at the Cambridge Union in the UK, writer James Baldwin and magazine publisher William F. Buckley address the motion, The American Dream is at the Expense of the American Negro before a standing room only crowd. Their progressive and conservative points of view mirror the racial fault lines still present in American society today.
- Year1965
- Runtime58 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryEngland
**Disclaimer: This is a recording from 1965, users may have issues with quality and sound**
This film of rare footage features the actual debate between two giant intellectuals of the 20th century. In 1965, at the Cambridge Union in the UK, writer James Baldwin and magazine publisher William F. Buckley address the motion, The American Dream is at the Expense of the American Negro before a standing room only crowd. Their progressive and conservative points of view mirror the racial fault lines still present in American society today.
- Year1965
- Runtime58 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryEngland