North Dakota Human Rights Film and Arts Festival

The Black Disquisition

Expired December 12, 2023 8:00 AM
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THE BLACK DISQUISITION is an affecting true story of the traumatic event in a boy’s life that fractures his self-image and the difficult conversation his parents must have with him about race in America. With its avant-garde narrative structure and rotoscope animation, this film illuminates how a brief childhood encounter can alter a life well into adulthood.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Social Media
  • Director
    Quincy Ledbetter
  • Screenwriter
    Quincy Ledbetter
  • Producer
    Emily McCann Lesser, Yuki Maekawa-Ledbetter, Dashiell Robb
  • Cast
    Terrance Broughton, Colt William Hager, Zainab Jah
  • Editor
    Quincy Ledbetter
  • Composer
    Quincy Ledbetter
  • Sound Design
    Arjun G. Sheth