New Orleans Film Festival 2021

Jury Award Winning Short Films

Expired November 22, 2021 6:00 AM
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This collection of short films includes the 2021 NOFF Jury Award Winning Short Films from five shorts categories: Animated Short, Experimental Short, Narrative Short, Documentary Short, and Louisiana Short. 

The New Orleans Film Festival is one of only 14 film festivals in the country that is Oscar®-qualifying in all three short-form Academy-accredited categories: Narrative Shorts, Documentary Shorts, and Animated Shorts. Jury Award-winning films in these categories automatically qualify for consideration for the Annual Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules. 

Jury Award winners of Narrative, Documentary, and Animated shorts which are now qualified for Oscar® consideration are Al-Sit, directed by Suzannah Mirghani; You Can’t Stop Spirit, directed by Vashni Korin; and Trona Pinnacles, directed by Mathilde Parquet, respectively.

An arranged marriage in a cotton-farming village in Sudan leaves 15-year-old Nafisa wondering what control she has over her destiny.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    20 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Sudan, Qatar
  • Director
    Suzannah Mirghani
  • Screenwriter
    Suzannah Mirghani
  • Producer
    Suzannah Mirghani, Eiman Mirghani
  • Cinematographer
    Khalid Awad
  • Editor
    Abdelrahim Kattab, Suzannah Mirghani