Expired November 13, 2023 5:59 AM
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1 film in package

Tacho, an elderly farmer in a desolate mountain landscape, must travel to Mexico City to identify his daughter’s body. The city he finds himself in is alien, and the truths he uncovers are brutal. Red Shoes, taking its title from Elina Chauvet’s ‘Red Shoes’ art installation, provides a unique, harrowing perspective on grief, time, and family in the context of a country plagued by gender-based violence. Director Carlos Kaiser Eichelmann’s film has a deceptively simple plot delivered at a sparse, mesmerizing pace. The culmination of its powers are staggering. With strong cinematography and unforgettable performances by Eustacio Ascacio and Natalia Solián, it’s the perfect example of the enormous emotional and cultural scope a small, contained story can encompass. -Ryan Craver, NOFF Programmer

Community Partner: Puentes New Orleans

  • Year
  • Runtime
    83 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    Southern US
  • Rating
    G - General Audience
  • Director
    Carlos Eichelemann Kaiser
  • Screenwriter
    Jofra GG, Carlos Kaiser Eichelmann, Adriana Gonzáles del Valle
  • Producer
    Gabriela Maldonado, Paolo Ansaldi
  • Cinematographer
    Serguei Saldìvar Tanaka
  • Editor
    Omar Guzmán