This emotionally charged ensemble piece unfolds during Alejandro’s 70th birthday celebration, where friends and family members gather for an unforgettable night that will redefine their relationships. As secrets surface, tensions simmer and truths emerge, Blue Lights explores the intricacies of love, loss, friendship and the evolving dynamics of gay and lesbian relationships in a changing world. With stellar performances and a poignantly insightful narrative, the film offers a nuanced reflection on life’s complexities and the ties that bind us.
- Year2024
- Runtime100 minutes
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryArgentina
- PremiereNorth American Premiere
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorLucas Santa Ana
- ScreenwriterGustavo Pecoraro
- CastErnesto Larresse, Claudio Da Passano, Osmar Núñez
This emotionally charged ensemble piece unfolds during Alejandro’s 70th birthday celebration, where friends and family members gather for an unforgettable night that will redefine their relationships. As secrets surface, tensions simmer and truths emerge, Blue Lights explores the intricacies of love, loss, friendship and the evolving dynamics of gay and lesbian relationships in a changing world. With stellar performances and a poignantly insightful narrative, the film offers a nuanced reflection on life’s complexities and the ties that bind us.
- Year2024
- Runtime100 minutes
- LanguageSpanish
- CountryArgentina
- PremiereNorth American Premiere
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorLucas Santa Ana
- ScreenwriterGustavo Pecoraro
- CastErnesto Larresse, Claudio Da Passano, Osmar Núñez