Palestinian Voices

Your Father Was Born 100 Years Old, and So Was the Nakba

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Oum, a Palestinian grandmother returns to her hometown Haifa through Google Streetview, today, the only way she can see Palestine. In this experimental short film, filmmaker Razan AlSalah channels glitch aesthetics and digital erasure in a subversion of the physical borders and checkpoints imposed by the Israeli occupation.

About the Filmmaker:

Razan is a Palestinian artist and teacher based in Tiotiake/Montreal. Her films work with the material aesthetics of appearance and disappearance of indigenous bodies, narratives and histories in colonial image worlds. She often works with sound-images to infiltrate borders that have severed us from the land. Her films are both ghostly trespasses, and seeping ruptures, of the colonial image, that functions as a border, as a wall. She thinks of her creative process as a circle of relations with artists, friends, family, technology, images, plants, objects and sounds…These relations become different points of entry and exit into elsewheres here, where colonialism no longer makes sense.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    7 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Genre
    Experimental Documentary
  • Subtitle Language
  • Director
    Razan AlSalah