In the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta, an abandoned water reservoir just outside the bustling metropolis, the Enache family lived in perfect harmony with nature for two decades, sleeping in a hut on the lakeshore, catching fish barehanded, and following the rhythm of the seasons. When this area is transformed into a public national park, they are forced to leave behind their unconventional life and move to the city, where fishing rods are replaced by smartphones and idle afternoons are now spent in classrooms. As the family struggles to conform to modern civilization and maintain their connection to each other and themselves, they each begin to question their place in the world and what their future might be. With their roots in the wilderness, the nine children and their parents struggle to find a way to keep their family united in the concrete jungle. With an empathetic and cinematic eye, filmmaker Radu Ciorniciuc offers viewers, in his feature debut, a compelling tale of an impoverished family living on the fringes of society in Romania, fighting for acceptance and their own version of freedom.
- Year2020
- Runtime86 min
- LanguageRomanian with English subtitles
- CountryRomania, Germany, Finland
- PremiereWinner of the Special Jury Award for Cinematography, World Cinema Documentary, at the Sundance Film Festival
- RatingNot Rated
- DirectorRadu Ciorniciuc
- ProducerAlina David, Erkko Lyytinen, Monica Lãzurean-Gorgan
- Executive ProducerHanka Kastelicová
- Co-ProducerAri Matikainen, Martin Roelly, Ümit Uludag, Erik Winker
- CinematographerRadu Ciorniciuc, Mircea Topoleanu
- EditorAndrei Gorgan
- MusicGaute, Codrin Lazar, Yari
In the wilderness of the Bucharest Delta, an abandoned water reservoir just outside the bustling metropolis, the Enache family lived in perfect harmony with nature for two decades, sleeping in a hut on the lakeshore, catching fish barehanded, and following the rhythm of the seasons. When this area is transformed into a public national park, they are forced to leave behind their unconventional life and move to the city, where fishing rods are replaced by smartphones and idle afternoons are now spent in classrooms. As the family struggles to conform to modern civilization and maintain their connection to each other and themselves, they each begin to question their place in the world and what their future might be. With their roots in the wilderness, the nine children and their parents struggle to find a way to keep their family united in the concrete jungle. With an empathetic and cinematic eye, filmmaker Radu Ciorniciuc offers viewers, in his feature debut, a compelling tale of an impoverished family living on the fringes of society in Romania, fighting for acceptance and their own version of freedom.
- Year2020
- Runtime86 min
- LanguageRomanian with English subtitles
- CountryRomania, Germany, Finland
- PremiereWinner of the Special Jury Award for Cinematography, World Cinema Documentary, at the Sundance Film Festival
- RatingNot Rated
- DirectorRadu Ciorniciuc
- ProducerAlina David, Erkko Lyytinen, Monica Lãzurean-Gorgan
- Executive ProducerHanka Kastelicová
- Co-ProducerAri Matikainen, Martin Roelly, Ümit Uludag, Erik Winker
- CinematographerRadu Ciorniciuc, Mircea Topoleanu
- EditorAndrei Gorgan
- MusicGaute, Codrin Lazar, Yari