Drive All Night follows Dave, a reclusive swing-shift taxi driver, whose night takes an unexpected turn after he picks up a mysterious passenger, Cara, a young woman hiding a dark secret. She makes him drive around the city without a clear destination or motive, and has him accompany her on a number of bizarre excursions - each one stranger than the next. Unbeknownst to the pair, Lenny, an obsessive hitman, is hunting them, guided by strange visions and instructions from a powerful mob boss.
- Year2021
- Runtime94 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingPG-13
- NoteStars Yutaka Takeuchi (Marvel's The Defender, East Side Sushi) and Sarah Dumont (Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, CW's The Royals)
- DirectorPeter Hsieh
- ScreenwriterPeter Hsieh
- ProducerPeter Hsieh, Robert Daniel Thomas
- Executive ProducerSam Chou, Christopher Au
- CastYutaka Takeuchi - Dave, Lexy Hammonds - Cara, Sarah Dumont - Morgan, Johnny Gilligan - Lenny, Natalia Berger - Midnight Judy
- CinematographerWilliam Hellmuth
- EditorGuillermo Areizaga
- ComposerRobert Daniel Thomas
- Sound DesignWayne Cheng
- MusicRobert Daniel Thomas
Drive All Night follows Dave, a reclusive swing-shift taxi driver, whose night takes an unexpected turn after he picks up a mysterious passenger, Cara, a young woman hiding a dark secret. She makes him drive around the city without a clear destination or motive, and has him accompany her on a number of bizarre excursions - each one stranger than the next. Unbeknownst to the pair, Lenny, an obsessive hitman, is hunting them, guided by strange visions and instructions from a powerful mob boss.
- Year2021
- Runtime94 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingPG-13
- NoteStars Yutaka Takeuchi (Marvel's The Defender, East Side Sushi) and Sarah Dumont (Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, CW's The Royals)
- DirectorPeter Hsieh
- ScreenwriterPeter Hsieh
- ProducerPeter Hsieh, Robert Daniel Thomas
- Executive ProducerSam Chou, Christopher Au
- CastYutaka Takeuchi - Dave, Lexy Hammonds - Cara, Sarah Dumont - Morgan, Johnny Gilligan - Lenny, Natalia Berger - Midnight Judy
- CinematographerWilliam Hellmuth
- EditorGuillermo Areizaga
- ComposerRobert Daniel Thomas
- Sound DesignWayne Cheng
- MusicRobert Daniel Thomas