Expired June 7, 2021 3:59 AM
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Starring Blanca Araceli from "Coco" (Disney / Pixar), Rafael Cobos Delgado ("Sin Frontera"), and Carolina Vargas ("Corazon Rebelde"). An ignored narrative of Mexican-Americans in U.S. history:

In 1915, Jovita Idár, a reporter, writer, and activist for women and Mexican-American civil rights, interviews a mother whose son has gone missing while at the hands of racist Rangers and vigilantes who have been targeting the Texas-Mexican community in the Lower Rio Grande Valley during a time known as “La Matanza” (The Massacre).

  • Year
  • Language
    English and Spanish
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    World Premiere
  • Director
    Iz Gutierrez