Expired June 1, 2022 3:55 AM
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4 films in package
From X to Z
A cranky Gen X butch is forced to spend time with a disaffected Zennial who seems to represent everything that bugs her about 'kids today'.
Las uñas de Don Julio (Don Julio's Nails)
Don Julio es un adulto mayor que tiene la enfermedad Parkinson y no puede cortarse sus propias uñas. Su hija suele hacerlo, pero llega el día en que ella está preocupada por otras cosas, y no puede ayudarle a su padre. Don Julio, desesperadamente, se va en una travesía por su unidad residencial en busca de un alma generosa que lo ayude a cortarse las uñas. // Don Julio has Parkinson's disease and can't clip his own nails. His daughter, Luisa, usually does it, but it comes the day when she is worried about something else and can't help her father. Don Julio, desperately, goes on a journey through his residential complex, looking for a generous soul who can clip his nails.
Conexión: Huachuma
Nachi, a native elderly curandero observes the beautiful nature of his beloved Andean highlands. His final destination? Marcahuasi, a mystical stone forest at 4000m altitude. In his backpack the healer carries the San Pedro, a cactus so respected in the region for its hallucinogenic effect. He believes that the Huachuma, as the plant is called in Quechua, can connect our past, present and future. Karoline, a young filmmaker, follows him with her camera. Full of doubts and questions, she wants to use the Huachuma to communicate with her deceased parents. Will she be able to see them one more time? "Conexión: Huachuma" is an intimate journey of grief and the difficulties of letting go.
Dream Carriers
On a final ride through her neighborhood, a college-bound Chicana reflects on past generations of women in her family through the telling of the migration of monarch butterflies.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    11 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Premiere
    East Coast USA Premiere // Estreno de la costa este de EE. UU.,Philadelphia Premiere // Estreno en Filadelfia
  • Director
    Florencia Manovil
  • Producer
    Florencia Manovil