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George, Penn and Nadia are best of friends. While on vacation on an idyllic Caribbean island, they find themselves being seduced by a stranger’s wealth and charm. When the stranger’s true motives are revealed, the three friends realise that they are pawns in a deadly game.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    72 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Trinidad and Tobago
  • Director
    Sean Hodgkinson
  • Screenwriter
    Sean Hodgkinson
  • Producer
    Marcia Henville, Sean Hodgkinson
  • Executive Producer
    Eye on Dependency
  • Cast
    Aaron N. Charles, Gyerlini Clarke, Kia Rollock, Brett Bengochea, Anokha Baptiste, Viana Moreau, Brendon O'Brien, Abdi Waithe