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When Luther, the CEO of a major software company, realizes he has a stalker intent on doing him harm, he calls in Ryan, an old friend and former soldier. Ryan, who is battling with post-traumatic stress disorder, tracks down the stalker and is forced to kill him, but in so doing, makes a shocking discovery. Now Ryan must decipher whether he is being framed or succumbing to the delusions of his illness.
  • Year
  • Runtime
    70 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    Trinidad and Tobago
  • Premiere
    11th October 2017
  • Rating
  • Director
    Michael Rochford
  • Screenwriter
    Michael Rochford
  • Producer
    Michael Rochford
  • Cast
    Jovon Browne, Stephen Hadeed Jr., Anokha Baptiste, Scott Evans, Frances De Lancey, Chanel Glasgow, Lehann Anderson, Kristin Baptiste, Kevin Carter, Anderson Edghill
  • Cinematographer
    Stefan Foderingham Garraway
  • Editor
    Michael Rochford
  • Composer
    Dike Samai