Filmed across two continents, this short documentary takes the audience on cinematic journey through history of the Polish Film Festival in America. In the span of three decades, the most prominent and celebrated Polish film professionals, Oscar winners among them, were the guests of the festival. Now, in the relaxed conversations with Kuba Luczkiewicz (who enjoys a long-time friendship with many of them) they share personal, nostalgic and sometimes funny memories of their participation in the PFFA. While Filip Bajon, Jan Nowicki, Krzysztof Zanussi, Agnieszka Holland, Boguslaw Linda, Robert Wieckiewicz, Janusz Majewski and many others talk about their PFFA experiences, we get to see the scenes from their movies screened at the PFFA, posters, newspaper clips and photographs from the festival archives.
- Year2019
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorKuba Luczkiewicz, Kina Luczkiewicz
- Filmmaker
- Production DesignROAD 28 PRODUCTIONS
Filmed across two continents, this short documentary takes the audience on cinematic journey through history of the Polish Film Festival in America. In the span of three decades, the most prominent and celebrated Polish film professionals, Oscar winners among them, were the guests of the festival. Now, in the relaxed conversations with Kuba Luczkiewicz (who enjoys a long-time friendship with many of them) they share personal, nostalgic and sometimes funny memories of their participation in the PFFA. While Filip Bajon, Jan Nowicki, Krzysztof Zanussi, Agnieszka Holland, Boguslaw Linda, Robert Wieckiewicz, Janusz Majewski and many others talk about their PFFA experiences, we get to see the scenes from their movies screened at the PFFA, posters, newspaper clips and photographs from the festival archives.
- Year2019
- Runtime15 minutes
- DirectorKuba Luczkiewicz, Kina Luczkiewicz
- Filmmaker
- Production DesignROAD 28 PRODUCTIONS