Port Townsend Film Festival

A Kaddish For Bernie Madoff + Filmmaker Interview

Expired October 4, 2021 6:00 AM
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An artistic excommunication set on Wall Street in 2008, A KADDISH FOR BERNIE MADOFF is a mystical meta-musical about the greatest financial fraud in history, as seen through the eyes of musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins. A hybrid of memoir and narrative fantasy, this is the story of Madoff and the system that allowed him to function for decades. Rabins watches it all unfold from her ninth-floor studio in an abandoned office building on Wall Street. Unable to leave the story alone, Rabins’ real-life interviews morph into music videos, ancient spiritual texts and fevered synchronized swimming extravaganzas. A vivid, vulnerable work of art is born from the unique perspective of an artist watching the global financial collapse up close.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    75 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Alicia J. Rose