Expired October 7, 2022 4:59 AM
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“Internally Washed” lead singer Grrrilda Beausoleil is turning 50 and all she wants is a reunion with her 1990s riot grrrl band – the one she unceremoniously abandoned 20 years ago just as they were about to make it to the big time. Can they get it together to play a big reconciliation show? Vulveeta has to convince the band that she’s ready to kill it onstage and that she can be trusted – no really! Will they get past her new-age aphorisms and believe her? Will they draw a crowd with the old methods of wheat paste, stickers, and ‘zines, or are they completely out of step in the digital age? Will Grrrilda fulfill their dream of making it to the top at long last? Strap on your Stratocaster and prepare to rock out in this hilarious and completely improvised mockumentary (think SPINAL TAP with BIPOC and queers).

Accessibility: This film has closed captions and audio description. Additionally, ASL will be provided for any pre-screening announcements.

This screening of Vulveeta is Co-Presented by the Artemis Singers.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    93 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Maria Breaux
  • Cast
    J Aguilar, Dakota Billops-Breaux, Maria Breaux