A slice-of-life comedy that brings the chaos and comedy of quarantine to life. When exes Max and Rafael find themselves stuck in a house together at the onset of the Covid pandemic, tensions run high. Max, now with a new boyfriend, and Rafael, who just moved to LA with dreams of becoming the next drag superstar, must navigate their unresolved feelings and new dynamics. Despite the rocky start, this glossy comedy features a whirlwind of jealousy, backstabbing, and hookups. With its playful tone and emotionally charged moments, F.L.Y. offers an entertaining look at love and ambition in lockdown.
- Year2023
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryU.S.
- GenreRomance, Comedy
- DirectorRafael Albarran, Trent Kendrick
- CastTrent Kendrick, Rafael Albarran
A slice-of-life comedy that brings the chaos and comedy of quarantine to life. When exes Max and Rafael find themselves stuck in a house together at the onset of the Covid pandemic, tensions run high. Max, now with a new boyfriend, and Rafael, who just moved to LA with dreams of becoming the next drag superstar, must navigate their unresolved feelings and new dynamics. Despite the rocky start, this glossy comedy features a whirlwind of jealousy, backstabbing, and hookups. With its playful tone and emotionally charged moments, F.L.Y. offers an entertaining look at love and ambition in lockdown.
- Year2023
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryU.S.
- GenreRomance, Comedy
- DirectorRafael Albarran, Trent Kendrick
- CastTrent Kendrick, Rafael Albarran