聯合國難民署 UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

《划越怒海​》 Beyond the Raging Sea

Expired August 2, 2021 3:59 PM
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Omar Samra 曾經登上每個大洲的最高峰,也試過滑雪到地球兩極,他希望尋找一個新的挑戰;而 Omar Nour 過去為他人生第一個奧運會——里約奧運而積極受訓,但因為受了傷只能放棄競賽。這個 O2 小隊經過一年的緊密訓練,由西班牙的加那利亞群島往西出發,划向加勒比海的安地卡,橫跨 3,000 英里,以他們備受關注的壯舉,提高大眾對全球難民處境的關注。


*此壓軸特備電影於 2021 年 6 月 19 開始在網上放映

Beyond the Raging Sea is an action-adventure documentary about extraordinary journeys, harrowing ordeals and transformational discoveries. This is the gripping tale of two determined castaways struggling for survival in the middle of an Atlantic storm.

Omar Samra climbed the highest peak on every continent, skied to both poles, but needed a new challenge. Omar Nour was training for his Olympic debut in Rio, when injury struck and ended his bid. After a year of intense training, Team O2 headed west from the Canary Islands toward Antigua, dedicating their high-profile endeavor to the plight of refugees worldwide.

Beyond the Raging Sea is a story that both echoes and illuminates the most pressing humanitarian crisis in the world today.

*This exclusive film is available online from 19 June 2021

  • Runtime
    70 minutes
  • Language
    English, 中文字幕
  • Director
    Marco Orsini