聯合國難民署 UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

《秘洞醫院​》 The Cave

Expired August 2, 2021 3:59 PM
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獲奧斯卡提名導演Feras Fayyad(《孤城最後的人》),最新出品的強勢紀錄片《秘洞醫院》講述敍利亞戰爭當中堅毅無畏的故事。

因戰事而遭到圍困的平民百姓,在當地一所名為「洞穴」的地下醫院找到安全的庇蔭和希望。這所地下秘密醫院由兒科醫生 Amani Ballour 負責協助管理,她和另外兩位女性同事 Samaher 和 Alaa,均得到與其他男同事同等的工作權利。在當地專制的父權社會文化之中,她們能夠做的事是地上的人難以想像的。



Oscar nominee Feras Fayyad (“Last Men in Aleppo”) delivers an unflinching story of the Syrian war with his powerful new documentary, The Cave.

For besieged civilians, hope and safety lie underground inside the subterranean hospital known as the Cave, where pediatrician and managing physician Dr. Amani Ballour and her colleagues Samaher and Dr. Alaa have claimed their right to work as equals alongside their male counterparts, doing their jobs in a way that would be unthinkable in the oppressively patriarchal culture that exists above.

Following the women as they contend with daily bombardments, chronic supply shortages and the ever-present threat of chemical attacks, The Cave paints a stirring portrait of courage, resilience and female solidarity.

  • Runtime
    107 minutes
  • Language
    Arabic, English, 中文字幕
  • Director
    Feras Fayyad