Relix & Oscilloscope Laboratories Present

Awesome; I F***in Shot That!

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The Beastie Boys let their fans do the shooting as they take the stage of Madison Square Garden for the final date of their "Challah at Your Boy" tour in a concert video that truly puts the viewer right in the middle of all the action. With a mix of fifty DV and Hi-8 cameras distributed to shutter-bug fans and little more instruction than to keep the tapes rolling, director Nathaniel Hornblower and supervising editor Neal Usatin skillfully edit the resulting amateur footage into a kaleidoscopic, rough-edged take on the typically slick, professionally shot concert video.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    89 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Nathaniel Hörnblowér
  • Producer
    Jon Doran, Adam Yauch
  • Cast
    Mike D, Ad Rock, MCA, and Mix Master Mike