Originally released in 1993, Rudy tells the story of an underdog striving to accomplish his goal of playing football for Notre Dame University. Writer and producer Angelo Pizzo joins festival Moderator David Kendall to talk about his creative process for this film as well as the legacy and connection this region has to the film.
Writer and producer Angelo Pizzo joins festival Moderator David Kendall to talk about his creative process, and the legacy of classic Indiana films, Rudy and Hoosiers.
- Runtime30 minutes
Originally released in 1993, Rudy tells the story of an underdog striving to accomplish his goal of playing football for Notre Dame University. Writer and producer Angelo Pizzo joins festival Moderator David Kendall to talk about his creative process for this film as well as the legacy and connection this region has to the film.
Writer and producer Angelo Pizzo joins festival Moderator David Kendall to talk about his creative process, and the legacy of classic Indiana films, Rudy and Hoosiers.
- Runtime30 minutes