Genesis is a short film set in the near future on a barren planet, after the Earth has been rendered uninhabitable by climate change. The story follows the sole inhabitants of this faraway planet: a rebellious son, Adam, and a controlling mother, Katara, as they terraform their new home to make it sustainable for human life. As Adam struggles for independence from his mother, he inadvertently discovers an ugly truth about his past and learns that his surroundings are not what they seem.
- Year2020
- Runtime14 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUS
- DirectorSeth Cunningham
- ProducerDaryn Crowninshield
- Co-ProducerJoey Robinson
- CastJack Caron, Erin Day
- CinematographerJoseph An
- EditorCara Engh
- Production DesignReece Knotter
- ComposerJanssen Swent
- Sound DesignJacob Higbee
Genesis is a short film set in the near future on a barren planet, after the Earth has been rendered uninhabitable by climate change. The story follows the sole inhabitants of this faraway planet: a rebellious son, Adam, and a controlling mother, Katara, as they terraform their new home to make it sustainable for human life. As Adam struggles for independence from his mother, he inadvertently discovers an ugly truth about his past and learns that his surroundings are not what they seem.
- Year2020
- Runtime14 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUS
- DirectorSeth Cunningham
- ProducerDaryn Crowninshield
- Co-ProducerJoey Robinson
- CastJack Caron, Erin Day
- CinematographerJoseph An
- EditorCara Engh
- Production DesignReece Knotter
- ComposerJanssen Swent
- Sound DesignJacob Higbee