SVJFF Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festiva

Rabbi on the Block

Available in 26d 10h 16m 38s
Available October 30, 2024 3:30 AM UTC
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Tamar Manasseh, the charismatic rabbi and community activist from the south side of Chicago, wants African Americans and Jews to become closer allies. With one foot firmly in each of these two communities, Black Jews like Tamar are the natural bridge to help overcome decades offear, misunderstanding, and lack of communication. ​Rabbi on the Block is a feature-length documentary film that will show how Manasseh brings together Jews of all colors and is building bridges that will serve as the foundation for a revitalized alliance of African Americans and Jews while creating a new style of activist Judaism that takes the religion out of the synagogue and into the streets.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    88 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Brad Rothschild
  • Producer
    Brad Rothschild, Connor Kalista
  • Cast
    Tamar Manasseh