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A look at Speedway motorcycle racing in the UK, taken from the perspective of the Glasgow Tigers club during their 2019 season. The film follows the Tigers' highs and lows as they travel across the UK, competing against other Speedway teams for the Championship League title.

In The Red also documents the current condition of Speedway; a sport that faces an uncertain future and being forgotten as many clubs continue to shut down across the country. As well as presenting the drama that takes place on and off the track, the film highlights some of the personal stories of Glasgow Tigers fans and volunteers, who never fail to bring an emotional touch to the event.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    78 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Note
    TMFF 2020 Official Selection
  • Director
    Patrick Rooney
  • Producer
    Gerry Facenna
  • Executive Producer
    Robert Mackenzi, Peter Facenna
  • Cinematographer
    Patrick Rooney
  • Editor
    Patrick Rooney