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Over 5,900 km over 11 days...on scooters. Eight pals from the Seattle's Soldiers of Destiny scooter club ride over 5,900 kilometres of American back roads from Florida to Washington in 11 days. SLOW RIDE HOME documents the highs and lows as the riders traverse from the white sand beaches of FL through some of the most beautiful, and sometimes most desolate, pockets of the United States before finally arriving in Washington state.

Director Statement

After hearing about the Soldiers of Destiny's cross-country plan, I jumped at the opportunity to buy a scooter of my own and ride with them from Florida to Washington. This story is crafted from the unique perspective of being one of the riders! Personally experiencing a range of emotions and exhaustion played a huge part in the formation of the film. This documentary is full of adventure, comedy and the right amount of frustration that will make you want to try a two-wheeled trip of your own.

Director Bio

Jesse Morrow is a Michigan-raised photographer, video editor and designer now living in Portland, OR. "My work is the product of the incredible people and scenes I've had the privilege to encounter." Previously Jesse worked as a designer for Facebook's Creative Shop developing advertising campaigns and strategies for a variety of clients.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    95 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Jesse Morrow
  • Cast
    Justin Barnes, Derric Hoffman, Sean Porter, Joe Hammill, Paul Green, Jesse Morrow, Elliott Snyder, Ron Araya
  • Editor
    Jesse Morrow, Elliott Snyder