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Since the 1870’s women have been Driven to Ride. Two-wheeled vehicles gave women a first real taste of the wild thrill found in unfettered mobility. Victorian Age corsets and billowing skirts were set aside as riding unleashed the power hidden within and the freedom to give that power pursuit. Driven to Ride is a documentary that explores the unstoppable spirit and diversity of women motorcycle riders. Riders featured in the documentary include Betsy Huelskamp, Erin Doherty-Ratay, Masyn Moyer, Janice Ferrante, Debra Conroy and Julie Graff.

Women continue to shape and push the boundaries of two-wheeled freedom. The call of the road stirs in their blood. A call they answer down a thousand Interstates, and black-tops, and dusty country roads. Highways and byways that sail past in the raw sweep of wide-open spaces. Women climb aboard and tear off embracing the wild exhilaration of acceleration.

Director Bio

Driven to Ride is directed and produced by long time Boulder, Colorado resident Michelle Bauer Carpenter. Carpenter has produced, directed and edited award winning experimental and documentary pieces. Her video pieces have screened in numerous international and national film festivals and art galleries. Her recent film, Above the Ashes was awarded two prestigious Heartland Chapter Emmy Awards in the categories of best topical documentary and best program editing. Carpenter is currently an Assistant Professor of Digital Design in the College of Arts & Media at the University of Colorado Denver.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    25 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Michelle Bauer Carpenter
  • Producer
    Michelle Bauer Carpenter
  • Cast
    Betsy Huelskamp, Erin Doherty-Ratay, Masyn Moyer, Janice Ferrante, Debra Conroy, Julie Graff
  • Editor
    Michelle Bauer Carpenter