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Survival. Revenge. Redemption. In a world ravaged by nuclear fallout and stripped bare, a lone marauder wanders the broken highways. She scavenges what little she can find, trading goods for gasoline on her souped up old motorcycle. While trading goods inside the radiation zone, she’s run off the road by two bandits, who steal her bike and leave her for dead. She awakes several hours later, broken down and hell bent on finding the men who took her bike and left her to die. The Marauder, armed only with an old pistol and 4 bullets, sets out to take back what’s hers by any means necessary.

Director's Vision

Brendon Rathbone on the inspiration for the film, "the idea for Marauder came about during a road trip from Calgary to San Francisco. On the way home, after five days in the car the podcasts, albums, and conversation ran dry and my co-creater Jordan Scott and I started kicking around an idea for a road movie. Driving through Alberta’s badlands, it’s hard not to think of the post-apocalypse."

  • Year
  • Runtime
    14 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Brendon Rathbone
  • Screenwriter
    Jordan Scott
  • Producer
    Brendon Rathbone, Jordan Scott, Emily Renner-Wallace
  • Cast
    Michelle Haug, Matt McKinney, Andrew Long, Kevin Davey, Pike Klassen
  • Cinematographer
    Brad Stuckel