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A naive dreamer rides around the world on a motorcycle, surviving only on money he makes along the way, until he finds what he wasn’t even looking for. The story taps into current feelings of unrest, disillusionment and disconnection felt by whole generations of young people throughout the western world. It’s about having the courage to follow your instincts, no matter how crazy they seem, and what you can accomplish when you stop trying to control things and let go of your fears. Daniel is a media designer, with several years of professional experience with cameras and cinematography, but the story is raw and the footage is authentic and honest.

Director's Bio

Daniel Rintz, born in East Germany gained the chance to explore the world in his teen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He enjoys traveling and riding adventure motorcycle around the world with the love of his life.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    106 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Daniel Rintz
  • Screenwriter
    Kristian Brunn
  • Producer
    Kristian Brunn
  • Executive Producer
    Daniel Rintz
  • Cast
    Issa Breibish, Kristian Brunn, Megan Gay, Grant Johnson, Susan Johnson, Daniel Rintz, Ted Simon
  • Music
    Sascha Knorr