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TMFF 2020 Best Short Film Award Winner

Recreating a photo his of his late father may be more significant than Frank first thought.

Director Statement

Reappear was such a personal project for me, not just that it was my debut short film but more that it was inspired by my late uncle who, like me, loved motorcycles and film cameras. The thought of growing up without your father around and how photographs of them gain more significance as your memories start to fade.

Director Bio

Tommy Clarke is one of the worlds most recognised aerial photographers. He has spent the last ten years travelling the globe hanging out of helicopters everywhere from Australia to Iceland. The move in to film has always been a dream and 'Reappear' is his debut film as a writer and a director.


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  • Year
  • Runtime
    13 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Tommy Clarke
  • Screenwriter
    Tommy Clarke, Ken Kwek
  • Producer
    Mark Stothert, Minnie Young
  • Cast
    Freddie Wise, Ellise Chappell, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Portia Leslie
  • Cinematographer
    Lorenzo Levrini
  • Editor
    Olly Stothert
  • Sound Design
    Paddie Owen