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When he was 20 years old, Keith Hale scraped together enough money to buy a Ducati 750ss. He had no idea that what he was buying what would later be known as the most rare and beautiful bike ever built. He had no idea as he raced it and rode it across America or when he used it every day to commute to his job as a schoolteacher. He had no idea that the bike he took perfect care of his entire life would give him the rest of his life to live out and save him from a life of giving unreciprocated as an educator. This is a simple story of a man, a thing, and learning what it is to earn a valuable life.

Director Bio

Roberto Serrini is well known as a moto-filmmaker, having made a handful of extremely well received documentaries and branded commercials about the people and machines that fascinate him. He is the recipient of multiple festival awards, including Jalopnik, Portland, Vancouver, Rome, and Mototematica motorcycle film festivals.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    28 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
    United States
  • Director
    Roberto Serrini
  • Producer
    Peter Boggia
  • Cast
    Keith Hale, Ian Falloon, Tim Parker