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They say you only really grow at the very edge of your comfort zone. For the last three years Lyndon Poskitt has been stretching that comfort zone one kilometre at a time. From the safety of corporate existence to the freedom of a motorcycle and the open road to the biggest challenge of his life as he rides 150,000km to take part in the hardest class of the most brutal motor race in the world.

In 2014 Lyndon Poskitt set off from the UK with a simple goal, to ride round the world on his motorcycle and race rallies in every continent he visits. A voyage of discovery? Or escape? As his time on the road grew, along with his hair and confidence, it dawned on Lyndon that as the world has become smaller the idea of adventure has lost it’s way.

Inspired by the early pioneers of exploration and speed, he entered the infamous Dakar Rally, now hosted in South America. Lyndon looked to the pre-commercialised origins of the race where competitors set off with very little assistance or hope of reaching the finish line. To this day, even though the Dakar Rally has outgrown it’s humble origins, it still retains the Malle Moto class for those who seek a pure test of spirit and endurance. One man. One bike. One box of tools. 12 days and 10,000 kilometers of hard racing.

In 2017, as the only competitor to ride to the start line, Lyndon was to discover the limit of his already stretched comfort zone. There would be only one way to discover what lies beyond it.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    58 minutes
  • Language
  • Director
    Lyndon Poskitt, Greg Villalobos
  • Screenwriter
    Greg Villalobos
  • Producer
    Dave Lomax
  • Cast
    Lyndon Poskitt, Ian McMillan
  • Editor
    Greg Villalobos