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Many people think of stocks, bonds, and banks when they think of finance. But did you know that new types of financiers have a growing influence over our economy? The number of private equity-owned companies has grown over 375% since 2000, and companies owned by private equity firms are now double those of publicly traded firms in the U.S. These firms own companies in many industries, including healthcare, nursing homes, housing, and infrastructure. But, they also own companies harmful like private prisons and detention centers, security firms, and fossil fuels, and often burden companies in which they invest with heavy debt loads, which can jeopardize quality jobs and benefits. With all of these concerns, key actors in the industry are standing up for reform and building a fairer form of finance—something only possible with strong stakeholder engagement and co-creation of solutions. This session will provide you with more information on the industry and how to engage to push for more responsibility and reform.

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    United States
  • Cast
    Delilah Rothenberg, Executive Director, Predistribution Initiative; Renaye Manley, Deputy Director, Strategic Initiatives, SEIU; Pilar Sorensen is Investment Analyst, the Private Equity Stakeholder Project and Maguette Diop, Lead Organizer SEIU Capital Stewardship Program