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At a time when trust in news is near an all-time low, “free” online information is crowding out professional journalism. Agenda-driven content is eroding trust in news allowing misinformation to divide our nation against itself. "Trusted Sources" shows how we got here, how to find trustworthy news, and ways to protect good journalism.
- Year2024
- Runtime66 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingNot Rated
- GenreDocumentary
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorDon Colacino
- ProducerDon Colacino
- FilmmakerDon Colacino
- CastJenn White, Joy Mayer, "Stewart Bainum, Jr.", Nina Joss, Thelma Grimes, Tatiana Flowers, Sally Lehrman, Gabriel Escobar, Alex Mahadevan, Vanessa Otero, Rod Hicks, Victor Pickard, Linda Shapley, Kevin Dale, Michael de Yoanna, Venise Wagner, Kimi Yoshino, Larry Ryckman, Jim Friedlich, Jennifer Furlong, Bella Otte, Charles Salter, Elizabeth Hansen Shapiro, Lillian Ruiz
By clicking “Unlock Now” you certify that your viewing of this film is for PERSONAL, PRIVATE USE ONLY. To show the film in a public or group setting, please contact us here to arrange for a Public Performance License that specifically authorizes the public exhibition of this work.
You can view this film on any device, including your television in full HD and 5.1 surround sound. To view on your smart TV or through a streaming box, install the Eventive app, or "cast" it to your TV using Airplay or equivalent.
At a time when trust in news is near an all-time low, “free” online information is crowding out professional journalism. Agenda-driven content is eroding trust in news allowing misinformation to divide our nation against itself. "Trusted Sources" shows how we got here, how to find trustworthy news, and ways to protect good journalism.
- Year2024
- Runtime66 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- RatingNot Rated
- GenreDocumentary
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Social Media
- DirectorDon Colacino
- ProducerDon Colacino
- FilmmakerDon Colacino
- CastJenn White, Joy Mayer, "Stewart Bainum, Jr.", Nina Joss, Thelma Grimes, Tatiana Flowers, Sally Lehrman, Gabriel Escobar, Alex Mahadevan, Vanessa Otero, Rod Hicks, Victor Pickard, Linda Shapley, Kevin Dale, Michael de Yoanna, Venise Wagner, Kimi Yoshino, Larry Ryckman, Jim Friedlich, Jennifer Furlong, Bella Otte, Charles Salter, Elizabeth Hansen Shapiro, Lillian Ruiz