“The Forgotten Boys” follows the stories of three strangers, Darrem, Cornelius and Jahmai, who collectively depict the realities and struggles of the various stages of incarceration. Each journey is an exploration of the intergenerational impacts of mass incarceration. The common thread between these young men is a prison-based English class and debate team taught and developed by Trinidadian journalist, Debbie Jacob. “The Forgotten Boys” follows the stories of three young men connected by a prison-based debate team, and takes you behind and beyond the bars seeking to humanise a sector of society that is often isolated.
- Year2020
- Runtime43 minutes
- CountryTrinidad and Tobago
- RatingNo Rating
- DirectorAlexandra Warner
“The Forgotten Boys” follows the stories of three strangers, Darrem, Cornelius and Jahmai, who collectively depict the realities and struggles of the various stages of incarceration. Each journey is an exploration of the intergenerational impacts of mass incarceration. The common thread between these young men is a prison-based English class and debate team taught and developed by Trinidadian journalist, Debbie Jacob. “The Forgotten Boys” follows the stories of three young men connected by a prison-based debate team, and takes you behind and beyond the bars seeking to humanise a sector of society that is often isolated.
- Year2020
- Runtime43 minutes
- CountryTrinidad and Tobago
- RatingNo Rating
- DirectorAlexandra Warner