Based on the successful young adult novel My Life As An Alphabet by Australian author Barry Jonsberg, the film follows Candice Phee – a twelve-year-old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world. Set in a small coastal town, it’s about an unflinchingly honest girl’s determination to bring her family back from the brink.
Official Selection: 2020 Tumbleweeds Film Festival
- Year2019
- Runtime98 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryAustralia
- RatingRecommended for ages 10+
- DirectorJohn Sheedy
Based on the successful young adult novel My Life As An Alphabet by Australian author Barry Jonsberg, the film follows Candice Phee – a twelve-year-old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world. Set in a small coastal town, it’s about an unflinchingly honest girl’s determination to bring her family back from the brink.
Official Selection: 2020 Tumbleweeds Film Festival
- Year2019
- Runtime98 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryAustralia
- RatingRecommended for ages 10+
- DirectorJohn Sheedy