UCLAxFilmFest 2025 is hosting a free, in person, film screening, party and awards ceremony at the historic Los Angeles Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles!
Join us on Saturday, April 5th at 11:00am to watch 19 unforgettable short films. Stay for the After Party and Awards Ceremony at 5pm to celebrate UCLA Extension’s talented filmmakers! Please only RSVP for this event if you can join us in-person!!
UCLAxFilmFest 2025 is hosting a free, in person, film screening, party and awards ceremony at the historic Los Angeles Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles!
Join us on Saturday, April 5th at 11:00am to watch 19 unforgettable short films. Stay for the After Party and Awards Ceremony at 5pm to celebrate UCLA Extension’s talented filmmakers! Please only RSVP for this event if you can join us in-person!!