Johnny, a devoted single father, battles to make ends meet while raising his young daughter. Fate intervenes when he crosses paths with Ron, his former agent, who tempts Johnny with an offer to return to the adult film industry and reclaim the fame and fortune of his past. Torn between his paternal responsibilities and the allure of a second chance at glory, Johnny must navigate the
complexities of his identity and his aspirations for a better future.
- Runtime13:57
- LanguageEnglish
Johnny, a devoted single father, battles to make ends meet while raising his young daughter. Fate intervenes when he crosses paths with Ron, his former agent, who tempts Johnny with an offer to return to the adult film industry and reclaim the fame and fortune of his past. Torn between his paternal responsibilities and the allure of a second chance at glory, Johnny must navigate the
complexities of his identity and his aspirations for a better future.
- Runtime13:57
- LanguageEnglish